eu_distributionMap - Distribution of IAS of Union and regional concern (28 records)

Links to delivered spatial data and metadata

Element nameElement definition
IdreportPrimary key
countryiso2 country code
distributionMapLink to the spatial data file in CDR for IAS of Union concern
distributionMap_natListLink to the spatial data file in CDR for IAS of Member State's concern
inspireMetadataLink to the meta data file in CDR for IAS of Union concern
inspireMetadata_natlistLink to the meta data file in CDR for IAS of Member State's concern
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_horizontalinfo - Horizontal information (28 records)

Information on cross-cutting (horizontal) issues of the implementation of the IAS Regulation

Element nameElement definition
IDreportPrimary key
countryiso2 country code
actionPlansAction plans referred to in Article 13(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
addInfoAdditional information
costsCost of action undertaken to comply with the Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
actionPlanFileLink to the file with information on action plans referred to in Article 13(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
addInfoFileLink to the file with additional information
costsFileLink to the file with cost of action undertaken to comply with the Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
informPublicFileDescription of measures taken to inform public
controlSystemFileLink to the file with description of the official control system pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
surveillanceSystemFileLink to the file with description of the surveillance system pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
controlSystemDescription of the official control system pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
surveillanceSystemDescription of the surveillance system pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
weblinkPermitsWeb link to information on the internet regarding the permits issued as required under Article 8(7) of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014
informPublicDescription of measures taken to inform public
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_impactdescription - Impact of the species (1357 records)

Information on the impact of each IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDimpactDescriptionPrimary composite key
IDspeciesPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
descriptionObservations on the impact of the species during the reporting period
envelope_linklink to the envelope

eu_impactedEcosystems - Impacted ecosystems (42 records)

Impact of the species on ecosystems

Element nameElement definition
IDecosystemPrimary composite key
IDimpactDescriptionPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
groupecosystem group
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_impactedProtectedHabitats - Impacted protected habitats (11 records)

Impact of the species on habitats of the Habitats Directive

Element nameElement definition
IDimpactedProtectedHabitatsPrimary composite key
IDimpactDescriptionPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
habitatCodeHabitat code
nameHabitat name
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_impactedProtectedSpecies - Impacted protected species (12 records)

Impact of the species on species of the Habitats and Birds Directive

Element nameElement definition
IDimpactedProtectedSpeciesPrimary composite key
IDimpactDescriptionPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
speciesCodeSpecies code
nameSpecies name
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_impacts - Impact of the management and rapid eradication measures (747 records)

Impact of the management and rapid eradication measures on the IAS of Union concern and on non targeted species

Element nameElement definition
IDimpactsPrimary composite key
IDmeasuresPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
impactedNonTargetedSpeciesImpacted non-targeted species
impactPerSpeciesImpact per species
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_inspectionsPermits - Inspections  (130 records)

List of inspections per Member State

Element nameElement definition
IDinspectionsPermitsPrimary composite key
IDinspectionsPermitsReportedPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
inspectionStatusFlag to distinguish compliant | noncompliant
unitFixed value 'Number'
valueNumber of establishments
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_inspectionsPermitsReported - Inspections per species (65 records)

Information on inspections per IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDinspectionsPermitsReportedPrimary composite key
IDspeciesPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
EASINCodeCode IAS of Union concern
numberEstablishmentsNumber of establishments
numberEstablishmentsInspectedNumber of establishments inspected
permitPurposePurpose of the permit (vocabulary
yearYear of the permit
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_measures - Management and rapid eradication measures (742 records)

Information on managemet and rapid eradication measure(s) taken for IAS of Union cocern

Element nameElement definition
IDmeasuresPrimary composite key
IDspeciesPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
addInfoiso2 country code
countryAdditional information
effectivenessEffectiveness of the measures (vocabulary
objectiveObjective of the measures (vocabulary
typeFlag to distinguish management measures and rapid eradication (management | eradication)
noNegativeImpactTrue when no negative impacts have been observed
populationIdIdentifier of the population
populationNameName of the population
startDateStart date of the measure
endDateEnd date of the measure
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_measures_natList - Measures taken  (4173 records)

Information on measures taken for IAS of regional concern

Element nameElement definition
IDmeasures_natListPrimary composite key
IDspecies_natListPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
measureMeasures for IAS of Member State's concern (vocabulary
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_methodsUsed - Methods used for management and rapid eradication (809 records)

List of methods used for management and rapid eradication

Element nameElement definition
IDmethodsUsedPrimary composite key
IDmeasuresPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_partTerritoryBiogeo - Biogeographical regions (554 records)

Biogeographical regions where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDpartTerritoryBiogeoPrimary composite key
IDmeasuresPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
codeCode of the biogeographical region
nameName of the biogeographical region
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_partTerritoryMarineSubregions - Marine sub-regions (38 records)

Marine sub-regions where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDreportPrimary composite key
IDpartTerritoryMarineSubregionsPrimary composite key
IDmeasuresPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
labelName of the marine subregion
codeCode of the marine subregion
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_partTerritoryNUTS - Territorial Units (NUTS)  (1153 records)

NUTS code where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDpartTerritoryRiverBasinSubunitPrimary composite key
IDmeasuresPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
codeCode of the NUTS region
nameName of the NUTS region
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_partTerritoryRiverBasinSubunit - River basin sub-units (250 records)

River basin sub-units where measures are applied for each IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDpartTerritoryRiverBasinSubunitPrimary composite key
IDmeasuresPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
nameName of the river basin subunit
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_pathways - Priority pathways (1255 records)

Information on priority pathways addressed per IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDpathwayPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
EASINCodeCode of the IAS of Union concern
pathwayCodeCode of the pathway (vocabulary
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_permitsIssued - Issued permits (113 records)

Information on permits issued per IAS of Union Concern

Element nameElement definition
IDpermitsIssuedPrimary composite key
IDspeciesPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
EASINCodeCode of the IAS of Union concern
numberIssuedNumber of permits issues
numberValidNumber of valid permits
permitPurposePurpose of the permits (vocabulary
yearYear of the permit
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_permittedSpecimens - Permitted specimens (235 records)

Information on number or volume of permitted specimens corresponding to permits

Element nameElement definition
IDpermittedSpecimensPrimary composite key
IDpermitsIssuedPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
permit_typeFlag to distinguish between issued specimens and valid specimens (issued | valid)
unitUnit (vocabulary
valueNumber or volume of permitted specimens
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_reportingParty - Countries reporting (28 records)

Information on existence of Member States reporting on IAS of Union and of Member State concern

Element nameElement definition
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
hasNationalListTrue if the country has a national list
startYearReporting period from, fixed value 2015
endYearReporting period to, fixed value 2018
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_species - IAS of Union concern (1344 records)

Information on IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDspeciesPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
EASINCodeCode of the IAS of Union concern
addInfoSpeciesAdditional information for the species
addInfoInspectionsAdditional information for inspections
addInfoPermitsAdditional information for permits
commonNameNationalCommon name of the IAS of Union concern in national language
eradicationMeasuresEradication measures taken (true/false)
noInspectionsNo inspections carried out (true/false)
permitsIssuedPermits issues (true/false)
presentSpecies present in the territory of the Member State (vocabulary
reproductionPatternReproduction pattern of the species (vocabulary
managementMeasuresManagement measures taken (true/false)
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_species_natList - IAS of Member State concern (464 records)

Inforation on IAS of Member State concern

Element nameElement definition
IDspecies_natListPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
addInfoSpeciesAdditional information on the species
addInfoMeasuresAdditional information on measures
commonNameNationalCommon name of the IAS
presentSpecies present in the territory of the Member State (vocabulary
reproductionPatternReproduction pattern of the species (vocabulary
scientificNameScientific name of the IAS
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_spreadPatterns - Spread patterns of IAS of Union concern (1418 records)

Information on spread patterns of IAS of Union concern

Element nameElement definition
IDspreadPatternsPrimary composite key
IDspeciesPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
EASINCodeCode of the IAS of Union concern
sectionSection of the report format (A|B)
spreadPatternCode of the spread pattern (vocabulary
envelope_linkLink to the envelope

eu_spreadPatterns_natList - Spread patterns of IAS of Member State concern (1069 records)

Information on spread patterns of IAS of Member State concern

Element nameElement definition
IDspreadPatterns_natListPrimary composite key
IDspecies_natListPrimary composite key
IDreportPrimary composite key
countryiso2 country code
EASINCodeCode of the IAS of Member State's concern
sectionSection of the report format (A|B)
spreadPatternSpread pattern (vocabulary
envelope_linkLink to the envelope