11 230 230 230 B1 - Coastal dunes and sandy shores 12 200 200 200 B2 - Coastal shingle 13 170 170 170 B3 - Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral 14 128 242 230 C1 - Surface standing waters 15 0 204 242 C2 - Surface running waters 16 0 204 153 C3 - Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies 17 64 49 81 D1 - Raised and blanket bogs 18 96 73 122 D2 - Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires 19 177 160 199 D3 - Aapa, palsa and polygon mires 20 204 192 218 D4 - Base-rich fens and calcareous spring mires 21 218 238 243 D5 - Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water 22 183 222 232 D6 - Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds 23 240 240 150 E1 - Dry grasslands 24 230 230 77 E2 - Mesic grasslands 25 204 242 77 E3 - Seasonally wet and wet grasslands 26 153 255 153 E4 - Alpine and subalpine grasslands 28 204 255 255 E6 - Inland salt steppes 29 242 204 166 E7 - Sparsely wooded grasslands 30 151 71 6 F1 - Tundra 31 226 107 10 F2 - Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub 32 250 191 143 F3 - Temperate and mediterranean-montane scrub 33 252 213 180 F4 - Temperate shrub heathland 34 253 253 217 F5 - Maquis, arborescent matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes 35 218 238 243 F6 - Garrigue 36 183 222 232 F7 - Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation) 37 146 205 220 F8 - Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic scrub 38 49 200 155 F9 - Riverine and fen scrubs 40 230 128 0 FB - Shrub plantations 41 128 255 0 G1 - Broadleaved deciduous woodland 42 230 166 0 G2 - Broadleaved evergreen woodland 43 0 166 0 G3 - Coniferous woodland 44 77 255 0 G4 - Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland 45 79 98 40 G5 - Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice 47 242 242 242 H2 - Screes 48 204 204 204 H3 - Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops 49 255 255 255 H4 - Snow or ice-dominated habitats 50 204 255 204 H5 - Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegeation 52 255 255 168 I1 - Arable land and market gardens 53 255 255 0 I2 - Cultivated areas of gardens and parks 54 255 0 0 J1 - Buildings of cities, towns and villages 55 255 125 125 J2 - Low density buildings 56 166 0 204 J3 - Extractive industrial sites 57 255 85 0 J4 - Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas 58 230 230 255 J5 - Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures 59 166 77 0 J6 - Waste deposits 101 148 138 84 A1 - Littoral rock and other hard substrata 102 166 157 112 A2 - Littoral sediment 103 202 197 168 A3 - Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata 104 221 217 196 A4 - Circalittoral rock and other hard substrata 105 41 199 242 A5 - Sublittoral sediment 106 47 111 242 A6 - Deep-sea bed 109 166 255 230 X1 - Estuaries 110 0 255 166 X2_3 - Coastal lagoons 112 184 177 140 A12 - Littoral rock or sediment 128 120 149 184 A128 - Littoral rock or sediment and sea ice 134 40 235 196 A34 - Infralittoral and circalittoral rock and other hard substrata 138 153 176 203 A348 - Infralittoral and circalittoral rock and other hard substrata and sea ice 181 45 96 146 A18 - Littoral rock and other hard substrata and sea ice 182 120 149 184 A28 - Littoral sediment and sea ice 185 186 203 222 A58 - Sublittoral sediment and sea ice 186 220 230 241 A68 - Deep-sea bed and sea ice 250 255 0 0 - Unclassified