LOV Table includes a code list of all codes used in the UWWTD database lovName lovKey lovValue BOD5 F fail BOD5 P pass BRANCH ALC Production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages BRANCH BREW Breweries BRANCH DRINK Manufacture and bottling of soft drinks BRANCH FEED Manufacture of aninmal feed from plant products BRANCH FISH Fish-processing industry BRANCH FRUIT Manufacture of fruit and vegetable products BRANCH GELA "Manufacture of gelatine and glue from hides, skin and bones" BRANCH MALT Malt-houses BRANCH MEAT Meat industry BRANCH MILK Milk-processing BRANCH POTA Potato-processing COLLDET C calculated COLLDET E estimated DOCART DOC Document (*.doc) DOCART GIS GIS-data DOCART PDF Document (*.pdf) FCODE DATATYP Data type is not clear FCODE DCRIT Please fill-in at least one value FCODE DEFAULT Set to deault value FCODE DIFREPC Different Report Period ID (between manual data input and data import files) FCODE EMPTY Field has to have a value FCODE ERRNA Error whilst inserting normal area FCODE GT100 Value > 100% FCODE INVCODE Invalid code FCODE INVFORM Invalid data format in the import file. FCODE INVKEY ID is not correct FCODE INVLINK Invalid link FCODE INVSTAT Invalid status FCODE INVVAL No valid value FCODE MAST Value is master data FCODE MISSA No Sensitive Area is linked to this Catchment Area of Sensitive Area FCODE NBOOL Value is not Y (yes) or N (no) FCODE NCSA No Catchment Area. Indication of Sensitive Area is not foreseen FCODE NNUM Field not numeric FCODE NO100 %-values do not add up to 100% FCODE NODATA Table does not contain data sets FCODE NODATE Value ist not a valid date FCODE NODP No discharge point is linked to this UWWTP FCODE NOFILE Data set is not available FCODE NOSA The selected Sensitive Area does not exist in the inventory of Receiving Areas FCODE NOUWWTP No UWWTP is linked to this agglomeration FCODE NUNIQ ID is not distinct FCODE NVDATE Not a valid date FCODE NVREF Reference is not valid FCODE PERCOUT %-value is out of range 0-100 FCODE REPCODE Report period does not correspond to the selected report period (according to the contact details) FCODE REQUI Value is required FCODE SELECT Please select one value FCODE SYS Error message of the system FCODE TOLONG Text too long FCODE TOMANY File comprises too many data sets FCODE TOSHORT Text too short FCODE CULT Missing Culture Info LAND IN Infiltration LAND IR Irrigation LAND OT other LEAK 0 No LEAK 1 Yes LEAK 2 National Regulation in place LOADDET C calculated LOADDET E estimated LOADDET M measured MS AT Austria MS BE Belgium MS BG Bulgaria MS CY Cyprus MS CZ Czech Republic MS DE Germany MS DK Denmark MS EE Estonia MS ES Spain MS FI Finland MS FR France MS GR Greece MS HU Hungary MS IE Ireland MS IT Italy MS LT Lithuania MS LU Luxembourg MS LV Latvia MS NO Norway MS MT Malta MS NL Netherlands MS PL Poland MS PT Portugal MS RO Romania MS SE Sweden MS SI Slovenia MS SK Slovakia MS UK United Kingdom PASS F fail PASS NR not relevant PASS P pass RATYP A54 Art. 5(4) area RATYP A58 Art. 5(8) area (entire Member State) RATYP CSA Catchment in the sense of Art. 5(5) RATYP LSA Less sensitive area RATYP NA Normal area RATYP SA Sensitive area SEWANET B c) both a&b SEWANET C a) combined SEWANET S b) separeted STAT 0 inactive STAT 1 active STORMW 0 No STORMW 1 Yes STORMW 2 No combined system STORMW 3 National Regulation in place UWWTP ISCON Collecting system is connected to UWWTP UWWTP NOTCON Collecting system is not connected to UWWTP WATTYP1 CW to coastal water WATTYP1 ES to estuary WATTYP1 FW to freshwater WATTYP1 LC on land (catchment of coastal water) WATTYP1 LF on land (catchment of freshwater and / or estuary) WATTYP2 CW to coastal water WATTYP2 ES to estuary WATTYP2 LC on land (catchment of coastal water) WATTYP2 LF on land (catchment of freshwater and / or estuary) YN 0 No YN 1 Yes YNNR 0 No YNNR 1 Yes YNNR 2 Not relevant