Contents description of European air quality data for 2016 (interpolated data and station points), Apr. 2019 ======================================================================= Contents: --------------------------------------------- NO2 NOx O3 PM10 PM25 Interpolation data 1 km grid Interpolation data 2 km grid Content of the subdirs: (described using ArcGIS v10.2 file namings) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory \NO2\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \NO2\st_rb_2016_no2.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml,...] Table with fields for point map layers with 2016 Nitrogen Dioxide indicator values at the Rural Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this proeject are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('rb' in the file name inidcates it concerns Rural stations) ) no2_avg = NO2 annual average values at Rural Background stations \NO23\st_usb_2016_no2.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml...] Table with fields for points map layer with 2016 Nitrogen Dioxide indicator values at the Urban and Suburban Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = Point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = Point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = Altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this proeject are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('usb' in the file name indicates it concerns Urban and Suburban Background stations) ) no2_avg = NO2 annual average values at Urban and Suburban Background stations The folder also contains the set of NO2 maps in tiff format. Directory \NOx\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \NO2\st_rb_2016_nox.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml,...] Table with fields for point map layers with 2016 Nitrogen Oxides indicator values at the Rural Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this proeject are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('rb' in the file name indicates it concerns Rural stations) ) nox_avg = NOx annual average values at Rural Background stations source = indicator showing the source of "nox_avg" value, either reported NOx value or calculated value based on reported NO2 and NO values The folder also contains the set of NOX maps in tiff format. Directory \O3\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \O3\st_rb_2016_o3.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml,...] Table with fields for point map layers with 2016 Ozone indicator values (both health and vegetation related) at the Rural Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this proeject are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('rb' in the file name indicates it concerns Rural stations) ) o3_p932 = Ozone 93.2 percentile of maximum daily 8-hour running mean values at Rural Background stations o3_somo35 = Ozone SOMO35 values at Rural Background stations o3_aot40v = Ozone AOT40 values for Vegetation at Rural Background stations o3_aot40f = Ozone AOT40 values for Forests at Rural Background stations \O3\st_usb_2016_o3.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml...] Table with fields for points map layer with 2016 Ozone (health related) indicator values at the Urban and Suburban Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = Point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = Point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = Altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this proeject are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('usb' in the file name indicates it concerns Urban and Suburban Background stations) ) o3_p932 = Ozone 93.2 percentile of maximum daily 8-hour running mean values at Urban and Suburban Background stations o3_somo35 = Ozone SOMO35 values at Urban and Suburban Background stations The folder also contains the set of O3 maps in tiff format. Directory \PM10\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \PM10\st_rb_2016_pm10.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml...] Table with fields for point map layer with PM10 indicator values at the Rural Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = Point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = Point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = Altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this project are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('rb' in the file name indicates it concerns Rural Background stations) ) pm10_avg = PM10 annual average values at Rural Background stations pm10_p904 = PM10 90.4 percentile of daily average at Rural Background stations \PM10\st_usb_2016_pm10.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml...] Table with fields for point map layer with PM10 indicator values at the Urban and Suburban Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code method n/a (measurement method) stat_name = Station name latitude = Point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = Point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this project are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('usb' in the file name indicates it concerns Urban and Suburban Background stations) ) local_code n/a (code used for station ID at natl level) pm10_avg = PM10 annual average values at Urban and Suburban Background stations pm10_p90_4 = PM10 90.4 percentile of daily average at Urban and Suburban Background stations The folder also contains the set of PM10 maps in tiff format. Directory \PM25\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \PM25\st_rb_2016_pm25.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml] Table with fields for point map layer with PM25 indicator values at the Rural Background stations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = Point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = Point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = Altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this project are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('rb' in the file name indicates it concerns Rural Background stations) ) pm25_avg = PM25 annual average values at Rural Background stations \PM25\st_usb_2016_pm25.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml...] Table with fields for point map layer with PM2.5 indicator values at the Urban and Suburban Background STations (points) used in the interpolation EoI_code = EoI code stat_name = Station name latitude = Point latitude coordinate (decimal degrees) longitude = Point longitude coordinate (decimal degrees) elevation = altitude (meters above sea level) stat_type n/a (Station type (all stations used in this proeject are always Background)) stat_area n/a (Station area ('usb' in the file name indicates it concerns Urban and Suburban Background stations) ) pm25_avg = PM25 annual average values at Urban and Suburban background stations The folder also contains the set of PM25 maps in tiff format. Directory \EEA_1kmgrid_2016.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml...] Table with fields for EEA's 1x1 km grid layer with interpolation data results for PM10 annual average, PM10 90.4 percentile of daily means, PM2.5 annual average, Ozone 93.2 percentile of daily maximum 8-hour running means, Ozone SOMO35, NO2 annual average, and interannual differences. Table field use in map: CellCode = Cell code EEA grid EofOrigin n/a (grid cell coordinate X-direction, right bottom corner of the cell) NofOrigin n/a (grid cell coordinate Y-direction, right bottom corner of the cell) POINT_X n/a (grid cell coordinate X-direction, centre of the cell) POINT_Y n/a (grid cell coordinate Y-direction, centre of the cell) LAT = latitude cell centre (DD = Decimal Degrees) LON = longitude cell centre (DD = Decimal Degrees) COUNTRY n/a POPULATION n/a (population in the grid cell) PM10_avg = PM10 annual average, 2016 PM10_p904 = PM10 90.4 percentile of daily means, 2016 PM25_avg = PM2.5 annual average, 2016 O3_p932 = Ozone 93.2 percentile of maximum daily 8-hour means, 2016 O3_SOMO35 = Ozone SOMO35, 2016 NO2_avg = NO2 annual average, 2016 dif_PM_avg = Interannual difference in PM10 annual average, 2016-2015 dif_PMp904 = Interannual difference in PM10 90.4 percentile of daily means, 2016-2015 dif_PM25 = Interannual difference in PM2.5 annual average, 2016-2015 dif_O3p932 = Interannual difference in ozone 93.2 percentile of maximum daily 8-hour means, 2016-2015 dif_O3_S35 = Interannual difference in Ozone SOMO35, 2016-2015 dif_NO2avg = Interannual difference in NO2 annual average, 2016-2015 weight_urb n/a (weight representing the ratio of the urban character of the cell) weight_tr n/a (weight representing the ratio of areas exposed to traffic air quality in the cell) NO2_avg_b n/a (background grid layer of NO2 annual average for 2016) NO2_avg_b n/a urban traffic grid layer of NO2 annual average for 2016) Directory \EEA_2kmgrid_2016.[dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, shp.xml...] Table with 2x2 km grid field with interpolated data results for O3 indicators AOT40 for crops and forests, NOx annual average and interannual differences for AOT40 indiators. Grid values of the grid layers maps for Table field: used in map: POINT_X n/a POINT_Y n/a LON = longitude 2x2 km grid cell centre (DD = Decimal Degrees) LAT = latitude 2x2 km grid cell centre (DD = Decimal Degrees) CELL_CODE = CellCode O3_AOT40v = Ozone AOT40 for vegetation O3_AOT40f = Ozone AOT40 for forests NOx_avg = NOx annual average, 2016 dif_aot40v = Interannual difference in Ozone AOT40 for vegetation, 2016-2015 dif_aot40f = Interannual difference in Ozone AOT40 for forests, 2016-2015 dif_NOxavg = Interannual difference in NOx annual average, 2016-2015