cYear countryCode dataset envelopeReleased oblURI fileURI fileIsRestricted wiseCategory title abstract useLimitation accessConstraints otherConstraints 2016 BE GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-03-10 08:30:18.000 0 9999 GroundWaterBodyHorizon Horizons of groundwater bodies No conditions apply otherRestrictions no limitation 2016 BG GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-02-02 16:54:09.000 0 9999 GroundWaterBody Horizons in Bulgaria This layer represents the boundaries of Bulgarian GroundWaterBody Horizons; scale 1:100000 geossNonCommercial otherRestrictions no limitation 2016 CY GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-04-04 09:44:04.000 0 9999 Groundwater bodies horizon Groundwater bodies horizon of Cyprus as reported in the 2nd River Basin Management Plan. No conditions apply otherRestrictions no limitation 2016 EE GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2016-12-21 08:52:13.000 0 9999 Põhjaveekogumid - horisondid Veepoliitika raamdirektiivi rakendamise eesmärgil moodustatud põhjaveekogumite horisondid. Võimaldab erinevatel sügavustel paiknevate põhjaveekogumite paiknemise järjekorda. No conditions apply otherRestrictions no limitation 2016 FR GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-05-24 16:22:02.000 0 9999 Rapportage Directive Cadre sur l'Eau 2016: fichiers SIG Horizons des masses d'eau souterraines DCE au format WISE Dans la conception du système d’information géographique du référentiel cartographique national des masses d’eau souterraine, il n'y a pas d'échelle verticale. Toutefois la dimension verticale est assurée par l'ordre de superposition (« Horizon » pour la DCE) des polygones représentant l'extension spatiale des masses d'eau souterraine. Par abus de langage, la notion de « niveau de profondeur » est parfois utilisée mais cet ordre de superposition est complètement indépendant de toute notion de profondeur.L’horizon 1 est attribué à tout ou partie de la 1ère masse d’eau rencontrée depuis la surface, l’horizon 2 est attribué à la partie d’une masse d’eau souterraine sous recouvrement d’une masse d’eau d’horizon 1, etc…. Une même masse d’eau peut donc avoir, selon la position géographique où l’on se trouve, des horizons différents. Dans la couche de GroundwaterBodyHorizon, chaque polygone correspond à une partie de la masse d’eau souterraine, avec une valeur d’horizon spécifique.(source : Brugeron A., Schomburgk S. (2013) – Mise en œuvre de la DCE : Identification et délimitation des masses d’eau souterraine au deuxième cycle. Mise à jour du guide méthodologique BRGM de janvier 2003. Rapport final BRGM/RP-62275-FR). 2016 IE GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2018-07-13 11:10:33.000 0 9999 WFD Ground Waterbodies Horizon This groundwater (GWB) body horizon dataset has been prepared for the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) using the WFD reporting guidance. The WFD establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface water and groundwater. All GWB are represented as polygons and have been reported as Horizon 1. The GWB are validated by scientists in the Geological Survey of Ireland and the EPA Scientists as meeting the criteria for a WFD GWB.” No conditions apply otherRestrictions no limitations 2016 IT GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-03-15 15:15:14.000 0 9999 Reporting WFD - GroundWaterBodyHorizon IT - Reporting WFD2016 - GroundWaterBodyHorizon Nessuna condizione applicabile otherRestrictions no limitation 2016 LU GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-05-16 07:46:07.000 0 9999 GroundWaterBodyHorizon The groundwaterbody horizons of Luxembourg No conditions apply otherRestrictions no limitation 2016 LV GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-03-28 07:50:19.000 1 9999 GroundWaterBodyHorizon_LV_20160510 Groundwater body horizons reporting units for the 2016 reporting for the Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. No conditions apply otherRestrictions no limitation 2016 NL GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2016-09-15 20:22:05.000 0 9999 KRW grondwaterlichamen Nederland, Horizon KRW grondwaterlichamen horizons Nederland, zoals gebruikt voor de tweede stroomgebiedbeheerplannen 2015-2021. Geen gebruiksbeperkingen otherRestrictions / Geen beperkingen 2016 PT GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-02-04 04:16:04.000 1 9999 Horizontes das massas de água subterrânea PGRH 2016-2021 Horizontes das massas de água subterrânea a reportar à Comissão Europeia no âmbito da Diretiva Quadro da Água (DQA). Para conjunto de dados do continente, é interdita a comercialização da informação disponibilizada. A sua incorporação em documentos publicados implica sempre a citação da fonte. Qualquer outra utilização carece de autorização expressa da APA, I. P., que se reserva o direito de estabelecer as condições para essa autorização. / Indicar sempre a origem dos dados; Não usar em escalas superiores a 1:25000. otherRestrictions Indicar sempre a origem para o conjunto de dados do continente: SNIAmb 2016 RO GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2016-12-12 09:55:06.000 1 9999 Ground water body Horizon metadata Data about Ground water body horizon, reported as polygon. geossNonCommercial otherRestrictions (a) the confidentiality of the proceedings of public authorities, where such confidentiality is provided for by law 2016 SE GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-04-05 13:25:15.000 0 9999 Groundwater Bodie Horizonts Sweden Water Framework Directive (WFD) Article 5 groundwater bodies Horizonts in the scale 1:250,000 Contains polygons of overlapping groundwaterbodies. Only groundwater bodies that has more then one horizont are included. in the dataset. not to be displayed at a scale larger than 1:250,000 otherRestrictions no limitations 2016 UK GroundWaterBodyHorizon 2017-01-23 11:50:17.000 1 9999 WFD Groundwaterbody Horizons The WFD Groundwaterbody horizons is a polygon dataset which has been created for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). For the purposes of reporting under the WFD a groundwater body represent a distinct body of groundwater flow with a coherent flow unit including recharge and discharge areas with little flow across the boundaries. These reflect hydrogeological characteristics containing information on flow and stage properties, recharge and vulnerability to pollution. Conditions unknown otherRestrictions no limitation